Knit HeartStrings

  January 2014 

Beyond BOBBOL 2014 monthly project series

Happy Birthday to You!

January is your special month, so we've brought out the birthday cake and candles to help celebrate.

On behalf of everyone in our KnitHeartStrings group, I hope all your birthday dreams and wishes come true for every candle on your cake.

Looking forward to another year of knitting fun together
, Jackie E-S

p.s. I invite your feedback to help you get the most out of your KnitHeartStrings membership. If you have suggestions, or just want to lend a word of encouragement to help me give focus to what you like best, let me know anytime. Are there things you especially like or would like to see more of? Things missing? I want to make KnitHeartStrings and my knitting patterns the best they can be for you.

HeartStrings FiberArts
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