HeartStrings FiberArts

  Celebrating Your Knitterly News Anniversary 

Cascading Hearts, HeartStrings signature pattern stitch design

Happy Newsletter Anniversary!

Hi {!name_fix} - I just wanted to take a few minutes to say thanks for being an awesome and loyal subscriber since {!signdate long}. According to my records, this marks your anniversary month for receiving HeartStrings Knitterly News. I am truly lucky to have YOU.

I hope you continue to enjoy the newsletter and I welcome feedback if you have suggestions, or just want to lend a word of encouragement. Let me know anytime. Are there things you especially like or would like to see more of? Things missing? I want to make Knitterly News and my knitting patterns the best they can be for you.

Looking forward to another year of knitting fun together
, Jackie E-S

p.s. In tribute to heartfelt knitting and friendships, the above photo is from my 1995 HeartStrings' signature design for Cascading Hearts.

HeartStrings FiberArts
Toll Free: 877.764.2747 // Local: 985.764.8094
Fax: 888.467.7840 // Email: jackie@heartstringsfiberarts.com
Website: http://www.heartstringsfiberarts.com