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Featuring the creativity of knitters inspired by Sock Therapy, the January pattern in The Sock Calendar: Socks For all Seasons.
A perfect post-holiday project for de-stressing and much-needed self indulgence...make them for friends if you must, but first make a pair for yourself!

Knitted by Betsy Brazy in Haneke Exotics and a cuff variation using Fixation instead of the ribbon tie. Just for kicks, she included a photo with her 7-toed cat, Darwin.

Betsy says ... Since I'm not one to tie my socks, and between 2 cats and a toddler I know what will happen to ribbons, I figured I'd omit the eyelet row. Still, if I don't want the anklet socks to slouch, I need some kind of elastic, right?

I was thinking about where to run elastic cord, when it hit me: Use Fixation. It's cotton + elastic, and it's about the right weight. The solution of k2p2 ribbing for 8 rows in the Fixation keeps with the spirit of the pattern (caressing, not snug, ribbed ankles).

Sock Therapy with Fixation cuff variation

Betsy's Sock Therapy socks with her 7-toed cat Darwin

Her approach:

  • Cast on, using Addi Turbo US 3 (3.25 mm), knit 5 rows
  • Change to Fixation for ribbing - you can carry main color yarn : Using smaller needles (3.0mm/Addi US2), K2P2 for 8 rows.
  • Cut Fixation, attach main color yarn: Change to 2.5mm needles (Addi US1) and work Stream Stitch.

Betsy's other musings:

  • Why 3 needle sizes? I didn't frog back completely and start with 3mm, because it's supposed to be therapeutic, and the Fixation ribbing compensates for my laziness. ;)
  • Fixation could be done in the smallest (2.5mm) needle if more snugness around the ankle is desired. It's an elastic yarn, but in ribbing it's a soft stretchness.


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Do you have TSC socks you have made and would like to display in the Gallery?
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Last revised March 11, 2003