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Featuring the creativity of knitters inspired by Modern Romance, the February sock pattern in The Sock Calendar: Socks For all Seasons.
Here's a stitch that curves and meanders but still remains true...not unlike affairs of the heart.

Knitted by Marguerite B using Opal Crocodile II in red. She says ... Here is the picture. Try as I might the stitch pattern doesn't show very well with the Opal Croc. The yarn colors are just too busy. Next time I knit a stitch pattern this pretty, it's going to be in a solid or semi-solid yarn.

Like I already told you, I used Opal Crocodile II in the red. The socks are almost true to the pattern as printed except for the 1x1 ribbing at the top and the Eye of Partridge heel.

They were knit on 2 circulars, starting out with #2s, and switching to #1s after the first 20 pattern rows. Switching needle size keeps the stitch pattern uniform all the way down my leg when worn. The tops are not pulled too tight and the ankles don't bag.

Modern Romance in Opal Crocodile II

Note: To get a better idea of the stitch pattern and variegated yarn color interaction, here is a magnified close-up shot that I made from a portion of Marguerite's photo that she sent in.

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Last revised June 1, 2003