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Featuring the creativity of knitters inspired by Vernal Equinox, the March sock pattern in The Sock Calendar: Socks For all Seasons.
Here's a classic, tailored, unisex sock using an easy slip-stitch design. We used spring colors for March and the sock is also handsome in other combinations.

Knitted by Jackie E-S in EasyCare 8 #779 purple, #793 green, #782 gold. Jackie says ... Mardi Gras day is later than usual this year and occurs in March. I thought it would be fun to make a variation of Vernal Equinox in the traditional purple, green and gold colors of Mardi Gras. The green in the scan looks grayer than it really is, but I think you get the idea of the color placement. For my smaller leg, I worked the entire sock over 54 sts rather than the number given in the pattern, and adjusting as necessary to carry the slipped stitches down both the instep and sole. Happy Mardi Gras!


Vernal Equinox in Easycare 8

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Last revised March 4, 2003