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Specialty Yarns Album

HeartStrings patterns knitted in other specialty yarns




This photo album along with others presents sample models knittted in various manufacturers' yarns. Although HeartStrings pattern instructions are and will continue to be yarn-generic, this website feature allows you to navigate easily to patterns that have been made up in particular yarns.




As a knitter, this may inspire you to try a new yarn. Or to see how a yarn you like to use might look made up in various HeartStrings patterns.




As a retailer, this additional way of organizing around the yarns used in sample models will make it convenient for you to see how HeartStrings patterns extend the pattern support of yarns you stock. You might even become interested in bringing in a new yarn line because you see the appeal in it presented through a HeartStrings pattern design.




Visit Windy Valley Muskox on the web at


Visit Tilli Tomas on the web at


Visit Hand Jive Knits on the web at


Visit Treenway Silks on the web at


Contact Hunt Valley by email (no website)


Visit Buffalo Gold on the web at